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Fog and Steam SFX for Female Artist Music Video with Custom Fabrication and Set Build filmed on a soundstage in Brooklyn NY.
Vintage 1970s 1980s Family Room Set Design with Set Decorator Kelsey Hannah Walsh filmed on a sound stage in New York City.
Red Shag Carpet 1970s Vintage Style Set Design with Set Decorator Kelsey Hannah Walsh filmed on a sound stage in New York.
Retro Fabric Textures for Family Room Set Decoration with Production Designer Kelsey Hannah Walsh on a sound stage in New York.
Fire SFX for R&B Rap Music Video with Custom Wall Flat Fabrication and Set Build filmed on a soundstage in New York City.


'Foul Play'

Feat. @RileyyLanez

Director @symoneridgell

Production Designer @taylorhornestudio

Set Decorator @kelseyhannahwalsh
Scenic Painter@fenixartstudios
Art Assistant Kevin Mathein
Art Assistant Kris Degirolamo

Production@myaccompliceldn ,@jess_wyli3@jessthiel

AD Eduard Cassidy
Stylist @taliaabella
HMU Tish Ferguson

In the creation of Rileyy Lanez's music video, the Art Department evoked a nostalgic and heartwarming feeling reminiscent of a cozy family party at Grandma's house. The family room set was custom-built on a soundstage including a vintage scenic painted wall treatment. The layered combinations of color and texture from the Set Decorator came together to create warmth and the feeling of home. The non-union music video was filmed in a studio in New York City.

Custom Scenic Painting and Set Build for Music Video with Set Decorator Kelsey Hannah Walsh filmed on a soundstage in New York.
Custom Scenic Paint Texture and Art Department Set Build with Set Decorator Kelsey Hannah Walsh filmed on a soundstage in NY.
Rileyy Lanez Music Video Family Room Set with Set and Production Designer Kelsey Hannah Walsh. 

Set Decorator Music Video

Modern Style Historic Masion Living Room Set Design for Music Video with NYC based Production Designer Kelsey Hannah Walsh.
Next Project
Work In Progress
NYC Production Designer Kelsey Walsh's portfolio website floorplan sketch for a Non-Union Music Video filmed in New York.
Family Room Art Department Set Build and Scenic Painting with Production Designer Kelsey Hannah Walsh built on a soundstage.
BTS Custom Scenic Painting Wall Texture on Wall Flats for Vintage Style Music Video with Set Decorator Kelsey Hannah Walsh.
BTS Set Decoration and Set Dressing Custom Wall Flats Set built for Music Video filmed on a soundstage in Brooklyn New York.
New York City Production Designer Kelsey Hannah Walsh's portfolio website shows a custom vintage set built on a soundstage.
Behind the Scenes Custom Prop Fabrication and Set Build for Female R&B Artist Music Video filmed on a soundstage in New York.
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